Thursday, October 23, 2008

How to Eat for Fat Loss on a Budget

Supportive Food CAN Cost Less

Let me ask you this…If you are not spending your money on foods that improve your health, increase your energy and decrease your waist line- What are you spending your money on?

Under the assumption that a supportive eating requires expensive food?

I’d like to ask you to reconsider.

Especially at this time with our economy, many believe that cutting back on food costs means that you can’t afford to buy healthy food anymore.

Well with the tips and strategies I am about to share, I challenge you to make a list and load up your cart with REAL food. Nothing processed or fake and see what a difference it can make.

The secret to saving is….

To Think Outside of the “Box”

Replace the “boxed and bagged” processed carb’s and fake foods (cookies, candy, crackers, bars, instant meal deals) with fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and a “splash” of real protein.

This is the most simple and best adjustment you can make that in a matter of weeks will lead to a loss of inches- not money.

Consider these alternatives:

Cost of a Protein Bar: $2 - $3 vs. Cost of an apple: $.50

Cost of Mac-n-Cheese: $.99 - feeds 1 to 2 (easy to just eat the whole box) vs. Cost of a Can of Black Beans: $.50

Cost of a Bag of Chips: $3 -$4 vs. Cost of a Bag of Baby Carrots: $1.50

Cost of a Box of Crackers: $3 - $4 vs. Cost of a Bag of Spinach: $1.50

Bunch of Chex Mix Packages (2): $3 vs. Bunch of Bananas (5): $1.50

A Can of Chili: $1.59 vs. A Can of Tuna: $.97

Cost of frozen meals:: $2 - $5 a meal - feeds you once, leaves you hungry for more


Cost of a Bag of frozen Chicken Breasts: $6 - $8
Cost of a Bag of Frozen Veggies: $.75 - $1.50

Both of which can create 4 to 5 meals

See where I am going with this?

Where to Shop? What to look for? Holly’s Tips!

You all know the tip to shop the perimeter of the store, this is where you find your REAL Foods. Once you start going up and down the aisles - or even grabbing what is strategically placed at the end of the aisles, you run into the problem or buying the foods that do not help you - in the pocket or in the jeans which the pocket is attached.

Sure - “Whole Foods” type groceries offer higher quality and organic foods, and I agree the cost of these foods can add up. However, there is no reason why you cannot make better choices with the foods you are buying in your regular old grocery store.

I LOVE to shop at the discount grocery - Aldi - this is where the fresh fruits and veggies are so cheap!

Take a peek at my receipt from this week’s trip to Aldi’s

I spent about $58 and of that under $9.00 on Fresh Fruits and Veggies.

This will last “me” at least a week - and I feed a family of 3, work at home with my husband, and pack a lunch every day for my son.

I choose a variety of fresh and frozen fruits and veggies and a few protein options. That’s it - I keep it simple. Keeps the cost down and meal planning a breeze.

I do make it to a mainstream grocery once a week or once every two weeks. Reason I go to Kroger is to grab up my favorite yogurt - a greek style yogurt at that!- Organic milk singles, fresh herbs, deli meat, Bob’s Red Mill rolled oats…basically anything more “name brand” - oh and also like to scout out discounted fruits and veggies - love finding a bag of fresh sugar snap peas st 1/2 the cost!

Yes, Supportive Food Is Just as Simple

Sure, your typical convenience foods (granola bars, crackers, pizza, frozen dinners, etc) are EASY - and most of us are holding on to the belief that it takes hours of our time to prepare a healthy meal.

Eating supportive foods is a lot easier than it sounds. Many of the supportive grab and go options - require NO cook or prep time at all!

How about a bowl of baby carrots and hummus?

Or an apple and peanut butter - or if you are super short on time, no need to add the hassle of pulling out a knife - apples are great to eat as is. Now the peanut butter on the other hand, you will have to pull out a spoon and watch the portion size you scoop out - but really this takes all a matter of 1-2 minutes.

What about a tuna wrap?

Open a can, mix it up with some salsa, throw it in a wrap with a couple veggies, roll and eat.

But what about Dinner?
Dinner can be just as easy.
For dinner, I prepare a protein with lots of vegetables and/or fruit.
Cooking protein takes minutes, steaming veggies takes minutes, eating raw fruits/veggies takes ZERO time to prep and cook.

The REAL Secret to making all of this sound so simple?

Plan it out ahead of time! Takes mere minutes of your busy day.

My Challenge to You

I gave you a LOT to think about, didn’t I!

Take this challenge when you are ready.

Why not submit your healthy food alternative meals below with a reason why these foods are less expensive and I will take a few and turn them around to show you how you can make them fit into your budget - with the foods that help you FIT into your Skinny Jeans!

Have Fun!

I look forward to your ideas!

~ Holly

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