Monday, November 17, 2008

Get Your Sexy Back: Lasting Fat Loss Results

A Year in the Life of a Fit Yummy Mummy
“I started this journey because I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
It was either go on medication or change my lifestyle. I didn’t want to go on meds.

About 6 years ago when I got pregnant with my first child, I gained 55 lbs and weighed 200lbs when I had her. I worked out for awhile and lost the weight, then got pregnant again. I gained another 55 lbs and lost most of it after having my second girl. I really didn’t like how I looked or felt but I wasn’t in the place or mind frame to change.

Long story short, I went on an internet search and found you and Fit Yummy Mummy.

I was initially seeking a workout plan and some information on healthy eating. I signed up for a teleseminar on health and fitness, and that’s where I meet Holly!

I listened as she explained about her Fit Yummy Mummy program and was intrigued….

Would this work for me?
I was skeptical.

Then one of the host of the teleseminar said …”I don’t care who’s program you do just pick one and do it!”

So, I picked Fit Yummy Mummy!

I worked out doing Holly’s program for about 2 weeks and lost 4lbs and dropped some inches! I continued to use Holly’s workout program except for 2 weeks during the holidays and lost 7 more lbs and some more inches.

I was feeling good about my progress but still wasn’t convinced this was a program for the long haul.

Then one day I got an email from Holly inviting me to join her on Club FYM and join the Spring Transformation Challenge.

I thought why not! This could be good. I never thought it would be life changing GOOD!

The first 5 of the 12 weeks emotional ones!

Why were they so emotional?

Because I wasn’t following what Holly had laid out!

I was following the workouts, that was easy. I never missed a workout, not 1 during the 12 weeks!

The nutrition part was the hard part!

How do I eat healthy?
What do I eat?
What are carbs?
What does a balanced meal look like?
What brand of foods do i eat? Is this healthy?

My questions were endless, I was overwhelmed.

I simply freaked out!

I posted a question on ClubFYM and the support and responses were
wonderful. Some Club members gave me advice, told me to start slow,
follow Holly’s plan, ect, one member (Sheri) even took it one step
further and shared a list of foods she liked to eat.

Oh how wonderful this was!

I had found a place where there were women just like me going through the same things I was.

They had questions I had.
I could relate to these women!

Now that was huge for me because I never thought I was like other women, I certainly didn’t think I would find people on the internet I could call my friends!

~~~~~This second Transformation Challenge was a different story~~~~~~

No one was complimenting me like they had during my 1st 12 weeks experience.

My motivation was down but not gone, I felt invisible again and I forgot why I had started this journey in the first place.

I continued to do the workouts(haven’t missed one since starting except for the 12 week breaks). I ate as supportively as I could, yes there is room for improvement there.

I just went through the motions of what I thought I should be doing.

A light bulb moment came after reading a post on Club FYM, by Cory….a quote “It is never to late to become the person you could have been”

That quote has stuck with me and as I reflect back I know why.

You see I started Fit Yummy Mummy way back in November of 2007, just one year ago.

During that time I keep saying to my self well if you would have done everything Holly laid out for you you would already be at your goal, (should have could have would of you know). I now realize that this was and is negative self talk and toxic.

As I read success stories, I find one common theme and that is these women have changed their mindset.

They fully embrace this as a lifestyle change, not just something to do to take weight off.

I know, I know this is not a new concept here on Club FYM, but, for me it is just now all coming together like pieces of a puzzle!

To get the results you are looking for you must have 3 things in place, do the workouts, eat supportively and have a positive mindset. If you do not have 1 of these pieces of the puzzle you truly will never reach your goals. I believe mindset is the most powerful.

The most important things I have taken away from the year is….

~ Yes you have to workout, increase the weight and challenge yourself.

~ You have to change your diet, my diet is by no means 100% or even 90% but it’s a lot better than it used to be.

My biggest difference makers….cutting out the Pepsi and eating supportively every 3 hours are what really let me lose the weight early on.

Now it is just daily choices of eating supportively, eating veggies, drinking water, and having planned indulgences.

~ You have to stay Consistent and Patient.
These are so hard to do, my journey was a roller coaster, one day rejoicing because I lost inches the next disappointment because nothing.

~ Blogging for support
or to simply celebrate having a a GREAT Day helps keep the motivation going.

~ But the most important part is a change in mindset.

You have to quite all the negative talk, start seeing yourself the way others see you, and truly believe in yourself.

This is where Club FYM comes in.

I did not join Club FYM until I started the 1st Transformation Challenge in February of 2008.

What Club FYM has done for me is it helps me to know that I am not alone in this journey.

There is always someone who posts something that will inspire, someone who asked that same question I have or if I have a question someone will answer. It about a real sense of belonging, friendships and family.

I don’t have anyone else around me going through this journey, so to have the support of this online community, is wonderful. I didn’t know how beneficial this community was when started out on my Fit Yummy Mummy journey.

Now my only regret is that I didn’t join sooner.

I am a veteran Fit Yummy Mummy but that by no means makes me know everything. I am constantly learning, learning new stuff about myself, about the program and trying to improve.

I have 1 year under my belt, but, I have a lifetime on my journey to Yummy-ness.

I have gained self confidence, self esteem and got my sexy back!!

I have gained knowledge, strength and have found energy.

I can chase my girls around, race them and not have to say “no more girls mommy is tired”

I don’t have to beg my 3 year old to take a nap so I can too!

I am in a good mood most days. I feel great!

Nov 1, 2007……..Nov 2008
height: 5′ 4.5″


hips:37 1/4″………35″

waist:35…………27 1/4

thighs:23″………21 1/2

body fat %:?……….19.3%

30 lbs lost, 20+inches lost(more inches lost where I didn’t measure!)

I have done an awesome job of transforming my body!

I haven’t looked this good since I played soccer in high school. Now, when I look in the mirror I truly see the person I have become and not the old 147lb woman I used to be.


So Holly, I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for putting this program together and for your daily support and encouragement on Club FYM.

You have put something together that is not only truly unique but also something that is very effective and life changing.”


Shawndala Arias, Age 35, Mom of Two ages 3 and 6, CO

YOU Deserve to feel Sexy again~

Make it happen today…

For a complete fat loss blueprint designed exclusively for busy
moms- including comprehensive nutrition plans, goal setting strategies
and fat blasting workouts that require a mere 90 minutes of your week…..Your copy is waiting HERE =>

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