Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cold Season

In honor of the wonderful cold I am sporting this week I am going to talk about staying on track while having a cold.

My appetite usually goes down when I am not feeling well, but of course I just want those comfort foods to make me feel better. I have found that I get better so much faster if my body gets the nutrients it needs.

Obviously plenty of fluids, i.e. water, is perfect for flushing that bug right now. Also plenty of sleep. I have a hard time with this one. I find that I want to take a nap during the day, with two kids who can possibly pull this off? But when it comes to going to bed at night I am a sucker for wanting more "ME" time and putting off going to bed to do things that are not possible with two little ones hanging on my legs.

I know you have all heard these things over and over again, but it is nice to get a reminder. I always forget the water and don't realize until I have cotton mouth in the middle of the night, because I can't close my mouth due to the extreme stuffed nose I have.

As far as exercise goes, many times I feel so much better when I do get an exercise in. I over did it yesterday with my exercise. I had a burst of energy and used it all up for the day in that workout. Today I sure felt that and I could only do a walk around the neighborhood, but that did rejuvenate me for the day.

Hope this helps during the cold season for you to stay on track.

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